Family immersion with summer language school - IRELAND

This offer allows young people between 12 and 17 years old to live with an Irish family and participate in a language camp during the day, for a duration of 2 or 3 weeks. We work with local school principals who have developed this summer language programme. Young people of various nationalities participate in this programme, which allows rich cultural exchanges.    


Hosting details 

Admissions & fees 

Family immersion with activity camp - IRELAND

This is a 2-week stay in Dublin (Ireland) during which the teenager from 12 to 17 years old participates in a sport or artistic camp of his choice. These camps are aimed at young Irish people, it is a total immersion for our teenagers who are hosted by a committed Catholic Irish family.


Hosting details

Admissions & fees 

Girls Summer Language School - IRELAND

In partnership with a Catholic school for girls from 12 to 16 years old in Dublin - with a strong emphasis on academic, human and spiritual angles - FIDEOJOY offers this language programme involving girls in classes, activities and visits during the day. Girls are hosted by an Irish Catholic family.


Hosting details

Admissions & fees 

Cooking and Craft - IRELAND


This is a 2-week stay in Dublin (Ireland) during which the teenager from 12 to 17 years old participates in a Cooking & Crafts Camp. It is a total immersion for our teenagers who are hosted by a committed Catholic Irish family. They benefit from intensive English classes every day. 


Reception conditions

Admission and fees 


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